Monday, November 24, 2008

Ustream? AIM? what do you think?

Hey all, so ive been thinking...i feel like i make these videos and i have all these amazing people that sit and take time to subscribe, watch, and write super nice comments on my videos, but i dont really know you guys and, i want to. see heres the deal and let me know what you think.

1) In my next 5 things about me video (whenever that comes out) im going to ask everyone who wants to participate to make a response video telling me 5 things about yourselves. it wont be like a contest, but just so i know a little something about all of you lovely people that watch my videos.

2) I also want to get more live video chats with you guys. ive done one live ustream before, but i didnt have as much support then so it was lacking, but i still had fun with the people that did join the chat.=). now if a lot of you guys joined the ustream....we would have a makeup gossip party! haha. i would probably only be able to do a live ustream like maybe twice a month. i would love to do one like once a week but its not realistic. my computer is downstairs in the middle of everything and im rarely home alone so it would be hard for me to concentrate on you all. so i would try to do one twice a month. let me know what you think.

Last idea, i promise!

3) Okay so i was thinking another way to communicate with you all is to set up an AIM account. this would be easier. so no one has to hear my family going about their daily activities. also its private so if you have any questions that you dont want anyone to see, it can be between you and i. and i would log on more frequently to fill the gaps between ustream sessions. let me know what you all think once again. =)

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