Saturday, June 20, 2009

H.I.P duo in Sculpted.

-HIP duo e/s in sculpted.
-simmery pink, black, and silver from double layer simmer palette (
-MAC fairylite pigment
-L'oreal carbon black linuer intense
-urban decay glitter liner in headbanger
-ulta water proof automatic black liner
-rimmel sexy curves mascara
-MAC dazzle glass in rags to riches

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

look using HIP duo in sassy!

-hip duo in sassy
-any dark brown shadow
-Hip cream liner in brown
-rimmel extra super lash mascara
-ulta smokey eyes liner in espresso
-mac blush in prism
-mac lipstick in fleshpot
-nyx goddess of the night clear lipgloss

diet update.

Hey ladies! I'm happy to inform you that I've been doing really well with my dieting! Thursday night [day 3] was a little rough because I had to put Lacey [my baby kitten] to sleep that night, due to her heart illness. I got really sad and depressed and I ended up at Mc Donald's because its my comfort food and I think I ate everything. But day 4 went a lot better, and I've been doing well since. On the weekends I splurged a bit, one night with a pizza from pizza hut, but the next morning I ran it off. And on Saturday morning I did a killer workout as well. I try to take the dogs for a long walk each day so that I get to move around they get some fresh air too! I've lost 1 lbs so far and I'm pretty proud of that. Once school is over working out will e much easier since I can wake up at 9am and go to the gym or run outside rather than waking up at 6:30am and going to school for 6 hours and then being far too tired to workout when I get home.

Sorry I fell behind on the daily updates but as you can understand there was a bit of tragedy in my life. I am going to try and be better with my updates lol. I was always awful with keeping with diary entries and this is about the same I guess.

Right now my brother is grilling us turkey burgers that we will eat on Sandwich thins whole wheat rolls [they are 100 calories per roll, pretty cool huh?!]

Till tomorrow

Friday, June 12, 2009

H.I.P duo shadow platinum look.

Shadows used:
-H.I.P duo shadow in platinum
-Revlon matte shadow in vintage lace
-L'oreal clour juice in bubblegum

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Diet Day 2.

So far day two has been sucessful, I'm off to a good start. Today I've eaten:

-lite and fit yogurt.
-weightwatchers blueberry muffin.
[drank water].

-100 calorie strawberry cupcakes.

-a small banana.
-salami and cheese on weightwatchers whole wheat bread.
-100 calorie coffee cake.
[drank K2O protein water]

-shrimp with pasta lightly covered with oil.
[drank water]

I don't know what I'm going to eat for a snack. I'm starving now because I didn't eat much dinner which is bad. I should have eaten more to make sure that I don't over eat on snacks.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Again... seriously!

So it's happening AGAIN! The thing I dread the most in the world...dun dun dunnnn. THE DIET! So yeah I know a while back i blogged about my journey to weight loss. To be honest I was excited and eager the begin and I did really well for a while and then burger king happened lol. It's so hard to diet when you hang around people who are not on diets [aka my boyfriend lol].

After my weekend getaway with Dan i realized things HAD to CHANGE! My bathing suit hardly fit me [my butt, that I'm usually pretty proud of was almost all hanging out, not good. Also I bought a cute pair of shorts that look awful on me because of my once again butt and thigh size. Most of my clothes don't fit me properly, which leaves me depressed because i feel terribly self conscious in almost everything i wear unless its baggy around my tummy.

So I refuse to be unhappy with myself. I will not sit and cry about my weight gain and my clothes not fitting. What I WILL do is get back on track and stay there.

Going back to:
-Writing down everything I eat and drink.
-Cutting out soda all together and limiting sugary drinks.
-Eating healthier snacks and foods.
- Junk food intake will consist of weightwatchers snacks and 100 calorie snacks.
-Only eating fast food once maybe twice a month and picking healthier things off menus.
-Exercising DAILY. Even if its just taking the dogs for a nice long walk rather than hitting the gym.
-When it comes to the gym...go AT LEAST 3 times a week!
-Doing more active and fun things with Dan so we aren't always watching tv and eating tons of garbage. [maybe i can suck him into this diet too, lol it'd make it easier on me.]

I VOW to do ALL of these things.

So as far as food intake today:

-lite and fit yogurt.
-weightwatchers blueberry muffin.
[drank water]

-Special K K2O protein water in pink lemonade.

-A small plum.
-Thinly sliced salami and cheese on weightwatchers whole wheat bread.
-Weightwatchers oatmeal cookie.
[drank water]

-Leancusine personal pepperoni pizza [ONLY 350 calories and tastes amazing!].
[drank 1 cup of arizona iced tea=90 calories]

I haven't eaten my final snack of the night yet but I've planned to have one of my weightwatchers ice creams in cookies and cream [the little personal cups not the cones].

As for exercising I'm walking Toby around the development and then I'm taking a long walk solo!

Hope this inspired you all to get up and be more active or be more healthy. Its so easy to get stuck in a rut and be couch potatoes or junk food lovers, but when it comes down to it healthy active life is always more fun then watching Friends with a bag of chips!