Friday, October 16, 2009

i miss u guys.

Hey guys! Hope you're all doing well. I know I've been so MIA lately, blame college! I've been doing well though, I just really miss my youtube account and all my FABULOUS subscribers and followers. In a perfect world I would update my blog daily since I haven't been able to make videos, but in all reality I forget this blog exists. Bad, I know. So hopefully I can try and be better about both my videos and my blog because it isn't fair to you all! So... I recorded some videos today and they will be uploaded later, I'm pretty excited for your feed back.

Also, I have TON of things on my mind, like literally a TON. Things are seeming a little complicated and for the first time ever in my life, I'm not scared to face my complications head on. Hopefully I'll figure it all out and it will all go well. And if it blows up in my face...lesson well learned. haha.

stay beautiful and keep dreaming big.

1 comment:

Eve said...

yay! I'm glad you're back!