Friday, August 7, 2009

new stuff.

So my last post on here was over a month ago. I'm so lazy with this thing. I used to do weekly in and outs and those were fun I don't know why I stopped doing those. Also whenever I would post a tutorial on my channel I'd take pictures and post the list of products here for you all to view, that stopped as well. So now what I'm going to do is try to blog at least once a day! i know you don't think that I can do it. I don't entirely believe in myself either. What I'm going to do to remind me is stick a post-it to the inside of my laptop so I'll see it every time I open it. The post can be anything really: pictures of a tutorial, weekly in and outs, random talk, etc. Let me know if you guys want me to discuss anything else on this blog and we can do that too.

Thanks for reading and following!


Anonymous said...

Hi! I was just reading your other blog posts and I noticed that you have some HIP duo looks on there. I really like them and I was wondering if you have tried the new MATTE duos by the HIP line? I saw them in Walgreens the other day, but I wasn't sure if they were worth my money or not.

Laurient said...

Hey, thanks I have seen the the new matte duos but i havent tried them yet I was trying to not spend my money on makeup lol. but i was really interested in them if i can get my hands on them ill let you know what i think.